The first stage of becoming a member. This category designates the period between applying for membership and the gaining of an award and/or the granting of a formal membership category by the club.
For members between 5 and 13 years of age that participate in the junior activities program. The age group for the season is determined by age as at midnight 30th September.
Granted to Bronze Medallion and Surf Rescue Certificate holders. Active members have voting rights at special, general and annual general meetings. Unless you have obtained the aquatic rescue award in the current season, all members shall qualify in an annual proficiency test for the awards they hold. Active membership has three sub-categories; Cadet (13-15yrs), Junior (15-18yrs), and 18+.
Granted by the club to members who have completed ten years active service or seven years active service and five years reserve active. Long service members are exempt from all patrol obligations and have voting rights at special, general and annual general meetings.
Granted by the club to members who have rendered distinguished or special service as provided for in the Club Constitution or By-Laws relevant to Miami Beach SLSC only. Life Members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the club for life without payment or any obligations to the club and shall receive a badge approved by the committee signifying their Life membership.
May be granted by the Club to members who are the holders of one or more of the following designations: Radio Award/s, Resuscitation Certificate, Advanced Resuscitation Certificate, or First Aid Award/s (or equivalent). Award members are eligible to vote through fulfilling patrol and club obligations as approved by the club.
Associate members are not entitled to voting rights unless elected to office or a position which is provided with voting rights.

Welcome to Team Miami! Here you can sign up you or your family to one of the few Gold Coast surf clubs that are pokie-free. Miami Beach SLSC is a family orientated club where the seniors and juniors are one. To join, simply fill out the membership application form and email to admin@miamibeachslsc.com.au or apply online through the following link.
Welcome to Team Miami! Whether completing a full transfer, or transferring for competition, Miami is the club for you. To transfer, simply fill out the membership application form and email to admin@miamibeachslsc.com.au or initiate the transfer from your members portal under the membership tab.
Welcome Back to Team Miami! Ready to go another season? Keep an eye out for important dates and news to know what's happening when. To renew your membership, simply fill out the membership application form and email to admin@miamibeachslsc.com.au or follow the link to your members portal to begin the process. You will find renewals under the membership tab.
Undertaking or just completed your Bronze Medallion or Surf Rescue Certificate and are volunteering to patrol? You will receive your patrol uniform after your assessment. Patrolling as an award member, faded, torn, old or needing a second uniform? Speak with your patrol captain or contact the club uniform officer.
Getting ready to compete or beginning training? Come visit the uniform shop to deck yourself out in Miami colours. We stock all styles including Jammers, Briefs, Bikinis and One Piece. Grab your pink high vis rashie in a long sleeve, short sleeve or racing vest, and a Miami club cap and you're set to go.
Show your support for Miami by sporting our club apparel and merchandise. Whether you're out and about, around the club, or at a carnival, we have the gear for you. We stock club shirts, hats, jackets and several others. Enquire with our uniform officer to see our full range.